morning madness!

| Monday, April 18, 2011 | 0 comments |
(please don't mind my bloated head! haha I bloat like a bubble every morning thats why I hate mornings! it makes me look so fat yeah i'm big but mornings makes me look even bigger! i'm a night person just like vampires and dead people! }=D) 
This video was the reason why i'm late on my statistic subject, the reason why I ran as fast as I could on the covered walk, the reason why I feel so down this day!. Its because I really did made a makeup tutorial about my everyday school makeup I was talking a lot about the products I used, why I use it and why I like to use it, how to apply it, where did I get it this and that! i was talking to this friggin macbook for 7 minutes! apparently the video I was about to share in my mini world of blog was shattered i don't know what just happened it wasn't saved.. too baaad!!!  and so I made another video but not showing or applying my everyday makeup look but I only shared my unfortunate technical errors and I proceed on introducing the products I used such as the BB cream, powder, nichido pressed powder, liquid eyeliner, lip and cheek tint, mousse eye shadow (bronze) but unfortunately It was cut again which only leave you to watch this video my bluffing poor self..!

So this is how I look after my terrible trying-to-make-a-makeup-tutorial Encounter! yeah I just laugh it off.. =D ( though it pissed me off.)

natural flow of their humor-fall out boy

click the photo

Pete: You wear glasses, people with glasses are smart.
Patrick: I read that somewhere actually. I think I read it on Wikipedia or something, so.
Pete: Awesome.

Lollita doll inspired makeup

This video is a makeup tutorial by Michelle Phan. The best makeup artist ever! i'm a huge fan of her!
(Well this creepy gal is me! thanks to Michelle Phans Makeup tutorial!) I know.. it looks so creepy! well, that's the major theme of this photo. (its creepiness) have you seen a lollita doll? the creepy gothic Lollita dolls? well this photo is Lollita inspired makeup. =D i have done some edits on the contrast, brightness then black and white to achieve a more creepy goth image. 

americas suite hearts.. =>

click the photo

Let's hear it for America's suitehearts
But I must confess
I'm in love with my own sin

**man I miss this song =)

Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart

This was taken after my cousin Zye's wedding-- a year ago.. I just love how the light naturally touches my face. and damn i miss my long hair..

My first stilettos from dad!


Believe it or not this is an 8yrs old stilettos!!. I love this stilettos not only because its pretty but also because its from my dad, what can I say my father has fine taste.. =D

T.O.P. and I


thats T.O.P. or Choi Seung Hyun my forever love! and that purple headed gal is me! =D my praises to picnik..

you might be wondering why i'm very much in love with this T.O.P. well aside from being handsome, he has a great sense of fashion! seriously! he was awarded as one of the most fashionable male star in korea! and of course his voice! very manly i have never seen or heard a man that as rough (in a very hawt way! =D), intimidating and cool as his voice! very unique.. it had me shudder over and over again.. And his very funny I have watched a lot of his parody, music videos or bloopers on you tube.. trust me! its so funny!! He flutter pulses on a very calm and natural way without trying too hard maybe that was one of the reason why he was one of koreas heartthrob. =D