Egyptian deity?

| Wednesday, July 6, 2011 | 0 comments |
I dreamed about this egyptian deity and so i drew the way she stare, the liners all over her eyes and then I cut my bangs just like hers and then I looked like this.

meet my new shorter straight-cut bangs.


my bloody globe phone. =}

| Tuesday, July 5, 2011 | 0 comments |

the growing weird cactus

this humungous cactus had grown big from a teapot-sized to this big.. oh' i took this photo from inside my room the cactus is just right out my window. well, it had made me thinking that if i'm a flower then i'd be a cactus. Because i'm weird-a little, i throw tantrums, mess with me and i'll mess with you, i can take care of my self, i'm strong but i don't look like one and i bloom flowers but only few knows that.